How to Keep Your Pool Water Clean and Clear

How to Keep Your Pool Water Clean and Clear

Inground Swimming Pool Maintenance: Why You Should Hire Professionals

by Cassandra Caldwell

Installing an inground swimming pool in your backyard is an excellent way to relax and beat the summertime heat. But keeping your pool in tip-top shape takes more time and effort. That's why it's crucial to work with a professional pool maintenance contractor. Besides saving you more time and money, a professional pool maintenance company will ensure you receive year-round pool care service.  

If you are contemplating inground swimming pool maintenance, here are four reasons why you must hire experts for the job:

They Monitor Pool Chemicals

An essential part of ensuring that your swimming pool remains crystal clear includes weekly chemical maintenance. Chlorine is commonly used to extirpate bacteria and germs in pools. Hiring the right experts will ensure appropriate chlorine amounts in your pool. That's achieved by testing chemical pH a couple or more times per week. 

They Offer Algaecide and Shock Treatment 

Indeed, your pool may require more than the typical chemical maintenance services. The water in your inground swimming pool may get dirty, even with regular maintenance. That's when you require a professional pool maintenance service to offer shock treatment. This treatment, coupled with an appropriate algaecide, helps eradicate algae and bacteria.

They Provide Regular Cleaning of Your Filters

Weekly pool maintenance will also involve regular pool skimming to remove larger floating debris. However, pool filters may also trap small-sized debris that falls into your pool. While sunscreen and lotion are helpful to the skin, they cause significant problems to your pool filters. That means the more sunscreen you use, the more work you'll have cleaning up pool filters and fixtures. Hiring professional pool maintenance contractors, however, can make this work much easier. 

They Provide Off-Season Pool Care

Since pool care is a year-round chore, you'll certainly need off-season pool maintenance as well. Hiring a professional contractor means closing your inground swimming pool when the season comes to an end. Pool care experts will assess any signs of damage, including leaks and cracks. With prompt repairs, your pool will remain safe even in the harshest weather conditions. 

It may seem like a simple task skimming through your pool occasionally to remove debris. However, it takes more time and effort for successful inground swimming pool maintenance. Consistency is also key to achieve a safer inground swimming pool. 

Is pool maintenance taking more of your time and energy? Are you uncertain about the right chemical balance and tools to use during pool maintenance? Well, consider hiring a reputable inground pool maintenance service to handle all these concerns at an affordable cost. 

To learn more about swimming pool maintenance, reach out to a local pool contractor.


About Me

How to Keep Your Pool Water Clean and Clear

I love my swimming pool. There is nothing better than spending a long summer's day by the side of the pool, taking the occasional dip to cool off. I also like to exercise in my pool before I start work. It really wakes me up and gets me going for the day. However, I had a bit of a shock when I uncovered my pool after a long winter. The water had turned a funny green colour. I called in a pool contractor and they explained that the water was out of balance and needed to be shocked and cleaned. Since then, I have learnt all about how best to care for my pool water. I have started this blog to let others know how they can look after their swimming pool.